Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Using Podcasts in the Classroom

For this assignment, I listened to several different pod casts pertaining to STEM in education.  I have been the robotics coordinator for our county for the past 7 years, and one of the main components of our robotics program is to bring real-world applications to the activities of the students.  In order to accomplish that, we use LEGO Mindstorm robotics kits.   The students work in cooperative learning groups to build robots and successfully complete challenges using the robots.  We have partnered with the local defense base for mentors, so scientists and engineers from Dahlgren Base come to the school and work with the students during robotics activities. 

 See the pictures below, taken by me, during our robotics implementation last year:

Long story short, I found the following podcast--the Engineering Commons--very interesting.  It includes a group of 4 engineers who discuss current issues in engineering and how to solve problems for the good of humanity.  One of the main component of our robotics program is to introduce engineering as a career option to the students.  Most students incorrectly think that an engineer is just the guy who drives the train!  And if a student doesn't know that a career exists, they can't exactly prepare in middle and high school to take the classes that would be beneficial for a specific degree.  

So we talk about engineers and what they do for a career, and the students are fascinated.  They often don't realize that engineers design roller coasters, create new makeups and perfume, build skyscrapers, or design the rail gun (which is what our defense base is famous for).  Listening to the pod cast during our robotics program and throughout the year could give students a first-hand account of what it's like to become an engineer for a career.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a great podcast to listen to for students with interest in robotics! What a cool program to offer to students! What a great way to engage students into a career for their future.
