Standard 3: Information and Knowledge
3.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior
Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs.
Candidates model multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and
administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use information for specific
purposes. Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and administrators
to efficiently access, interpret, and communicate information.
3.2 Access to information
Candidates support flexible, open access for library services. Candidates
demonstrate their ability to develop solutions for addressing physical, social and
intellectual barriers to equitable access to resources and services. Candidates
facilitate access to information in print, non-print, and digital formats. Candidates
model and communicate the legal and ethical codes of the profession.
3.3 Information technology
Candidates demonstrate their ability to design and adapt relevant learning
experiences that engage students in authentic learning through the use of digital
tools and resources. Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of current
and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information
resources to support research, learning, creating, and communicating in a digital
3.4 Research and knowledge creation
Candidates use evidence-based, action research to collect data. Candidates
interpret and use data to create and share new knowledge to improve practice in
school libraries
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